Our core team:

Prof Paul Chamberlain
Prof Claire Craig
Kirsty Christer
Communications and Events Officer

The core team is supported by Research Assistants who work on funded projects and we bring in expertise from across the university in the form of secondments. An active group of PhD students are supervised by the team. More information can be found here.
Formal collaborations on funded projects include:
- Design Futures
- Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research
- Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre
- Centre for Loneliness Studies
Lab4Living is a Living Lab which adopts a user-centred open innovation ecosystem based on a systematic user co-creation approach, integrating research and innovation processes in real life communities and settings. Over the last 20 years the lab has worked with UK and international groups including:
- Industry
- Other HEIs
- Communities
- Third Sector
- Hospitals