26 Oct 2021
Kaisu Koski’s wearable garment prototype HUG is being shown at an exhibition showing new work produced in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The HUG photograph is exhibited as part of Immune Nations, an evidence-based exhibition about the constructive role that art can play in public discourse around life-saving vaccines. The exhibition runs at the McMaster Museum of Art in Hamilton, Canada from 14th September to 10th December 2021.
In her ‘pandemic work’ during 2020, Kaisu has been considering how social distancing could be seen as part of disease prevention in the absence of vaccines.

The wearable garment prototype HUG creates the tactile sensation of a hug without the presence of another person.
While one of the primary gestures in expressing love and care, a hug has now become a potential health hazard, leaving many of us deprived of the human touch.
Kaisu Koski
The exhibition brochure and a virtual tour are available at the McMaster Museum of Art’s website. The exhibition continues until 10th December 2021.
HUG is also being presented at other exhibitions and events throughout the year – see the project page for more details.
Kaisu recently gave a talk on her work at the Nordic Edge Expo, in Stavanger, Norway as part of an Innoasis “Art Science Cocktails” event. These in-person events create an interdisciplinary mingling opportunity for researchers, artists, students with short talks and an exquisite cocktail menu. The “Caring Futures edition” on 21 September was a brainteaser to introduce the concept of how technology might aid, challenge or change our concepts of care and caring in the future.
Kaisu Koski is Associate Professor of Art and Design at Lab4Living. She is currently filming in the White Building with Lab4Living collaborator Noemie Soula for a joint project, to be announced soon.