22 Apr 2022
Dr Kaisu Koski‘s new work Interspecies picnic (2022) has been selected for a group show, Significant Other by Sweet ‘Art, in London on June 8-19. The photograph is part of the body of work created during Ars BioArctica Residency at the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station in subarctic Finland, January 2022. The residency focused on permafrost thaw and how interspecies relationships are entangled in both causing and preventing it. The picture is a snapshot of a durational invitation for non-human animals to join a picnic, a common cultural form for human animals to interface with nature.

Significant Other exhibition
Exhibition Open: 8th – 19th June 2022, 12.00 -18.00 daily
Opening Party: 9th June 2022 6pm-9pm (tickets via Eventbrite)
Address: The Art Bypass Gallery, 261a City Road, London EC 1V1AJ
Sweet ‘Art is dedicated to the promotion of artists through the delivery of regular site-specific exhibitions. Sweet ‘Art operates from a feminist ethos and exhibits art that is thought provoking, intelligent and challenging in aesthetic and concept, with a specific emphasis on working with artists who are marginalised from the marketplace.