This research explored the role of design in re-imagining patient information. During a previous enquiry, Journeying through Dementia, individuals living with the condition described how existing hospital information and leaflets reinforced a reductionist and medicalized view of the self. The research identified a need to create materials that were more personalized and could challenge the stereotypical images commonly associated with living with a diagnosis.
Project team: Claire Craig, Helen Fisher
Funded by: National Education Scotland
Partners: Alzheimer Scotland

The team employed a participatory research approach, working with people with dementia and health care staff in Northern England and Scotland. The themes of the cards were determined through the research process and reflect the topics identified as being important. Decisions in relation to the images were made in partnership with people living with dementia.
The resultant materials provide key information that can be shared with families but the design and style of these mean that they can sit comfortably on the coffee table, blending seamlessly with the home environment.
These have found to be effective as a focus for conversation and as a mechanism to support engagement in meaningful activity.
It makes such a difference having something blether about. The cards are beautiful. They aren’t hidden away but sit proudly on the coffee table.