This enquiry explored the role of design in supporting meaningful conversations for older people living in care homes.
Project team: Claire Craig, Helen Fisher
Funded by: Research England
Partners: Sheffcare
This enquiry explored the role of design in supporting meaningful conversations for older people living in care homes. The outbreak of COVID-19 meant that care homes became closed communities. As a consequence, residents who were frail or facing end of life were unable to tell family members how they felt and to say goodbye. This enforced separation also made it difficult for family members.

An earlier enquiry, funded by Marie Curie, identified topics that individuals at end of life identified as being meaningful and questions people wished they had asked their relative whilst they were still alive. These topics and questions were translated into the research-informed product: You & Me.
Evaluation has shown this is an effective tool to support conversations for individuals living in care. Findings have been disseminated through conference presentations, national and international workshops.
This little resource prompts you to record all the things you want to say to your loved one but somehow just never have time to put into words.
Me & You Participant