Trails is a design-led research study that explores concepts of ongoingness in the context of dementia.
Project lead: Helen Fisher
Funded by: Research England
Partners: Northumbria University (Lead) / Newcastle University / BBC / Marie Curie / CRUSE Bereavement / National Council for Palliative Care

Trails is a design-led research study that explores concepts of ongoingness in the context of dementia. The Trails audio artefact invites the listener to discover stories captured and curated by loved ones with dementia when visiting places that are meaningful for the person and their family. The artefact offers a mechanism through which to explore the relationship between a granddaughter and her grandparents through capturing and curating digital media now for the future, offering ways for her to feel a sense of her grandparents in particular places.
The artefact is one design response generated as part of the EPSRC project, Enabling Ongoingness which explores the role of design in creating meaningful connections with people who have passed away or who are at end of life.