Compassionate Conversations through Art led by Professor Claire Craig, builds on the research study The Life Café to explore how an archive of images created by artist Michael Angelo Petrone about the emotional cancer journey might be used to support the psychological needs of people living with a terminal illness.
Funded by: Research England
Project lead: Claire Craig
Partners: Michele Angelo Petrone Foundation

This ongoing research study has developed a resource based on Michele’s materials named ‘Compassionate Conversations through Art’ and these are currently being used in creative sessions with individuals experiencing life-limiting illnesses to evaluate their potential use. Findings of this research will potentially feed into a growing body of work that highlights the potential of museum collections and object handling sessions in promoting wellbeing through evoking personal connections as well as eliciting aesthetic and personal responses.

Most of all I need to know, that you know, that within my body there is me
Michele Angelo Petrone