6 Sep 2021
The windows of the White Building are a window into the world of Lab4Living, providing a snapshot of our activity in Sheffield’s civic centre. Artefacts on display include internationally exhibited pieces, current prototypes and emerging projects. This month, work from the HOSPITAbLe furniture collection and playful artefacts from the Future Care Home project are on display.
Key to Lab4Living’s research is the role of objects. We make artefacts that do not necessarily present solutions but help us seek out and frame questions about how we want to live and how the 100 year life might look. Through exhibition, objects can therefore act as prompts and provide a forum for conversation. We also understand the value of objects which can facilitate meaningful engagement for people in a range of settings.
This research draws on the value of thinking with things through physical metaphors. It explores the value in taking everyday experiences as a starting point when developing products for healthcare at home. The HOSPITAbLe collection reflects upon and imagines an ambiguous future domestic landscape. This work has previously been exhibited in Amsterdam, Prague, Edinburgh, Yorkshire Art Space and Nottingham.

Future Care Home
In the Future Care Home project, design researchers are investigating the development of playful artefacts to support the wellbeing of older people. This builds on existing work and ongoing collaborations with residents and staff in Sheffield care homes. Here we have created research-informed products which promote meaningful engagement between residents in care homes, their families and care staff. Currently we are working with residents and staff to evaluate the artefacts.

What next?
- Find out more about the White Building’s history here.
- Take a virtual tour.
- Read about Lab4Living’s The 100 Year Life, a major programme of research taking place in the White Building.